The cycle Postcards from Štiavnica, which I started doing in May 2021 during my residency in Hájovna in Banská Štiavnica, is slowly getting into its final form. I decided to print them on FineArt paper Tecco GB330 Galleryboard in the size of 48 x 33 cm. After several tests and trials, I decided to print them in black and white, tint them in black tea, and the last phase is manual coloring. In this way, the photographs gained a unique atmosphere of old photographs, which I wanted to achieve while I started creating them. And of course, with this technique, each photo becomes a unique original, despite the fact that I will make them in a maximum of 10 pieces.
Another interest and uniqueness is that the names of the photos form short branches that together form a story. During my second stay at the BŠ in the summer, I met Ivana Gibová, whose book Eklektik bastard is nominated in the Anasoft letter for the book of the year this year, and I suggested such a collaboration. The photos appealed to her, so she sent me a short text for each photo. But I’ll introduce that to you next time.